Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My cupcakes 3rd teething

1st teething was a good one to tell, my daughter wasn't in any pain as others may describe their kids to have, she didn't have fever & teething drools. We were surprised when those cute-iny teeth showed up. Second set popped like a bubble as well with no signs.

But the third set of teeth, on her upper gums was a different story. She was really agitated in worst that i can imagine. She was fussy at time for couple of days then suddenly shifts to often cries. A day of pain was really a heart breaking one for me, i couldn't help but worry so i consulted my guide a.k.a babycenter.com , typed all the keywords that are similar to my daughter's painful experience. An article on teething was there and some signs given were similar to my kid's. Her symptoms were

1. Drooling effect, saliva messing up her face
2. Swollen gums
3. Fussiness
4. Biting everything she gets
5. Watery stool
6 Watery eyes
7. Sensitiveness, she cant be disturbed in anyway, she cries whenever we try to call her attention, that her usual reaction was to giggle.
8. She doesn't get enough sleep
9. She gets easily frustrated when she can't do something ( she want to get the ball near her but it put of reach when seated, what she usually do is crawl towards or call someone's attention and point to the ball and she'll smile to her sucess, but she then cried out aloud )

10 . She had a sudden high fever:(

Kids in pain is a heartbreak for parents especially for a kid who can't talk yet to express what and how she's feeling through words, that i guess why parents especially moms has to have a a psychic tendencies to know what's happening, and we also tend to be our own pedia at time when we couldnt reach them especially at night.
as for my experience to this, I once more conquered my fear of being a first time mom by

How to ease teething 101
1. Let her do what she wants, surely she won't do something which will hurt her even more, physical activities are more likely to be limited and minimal. Your kid will have the tendency to minimize her physical activity to only reachable things, she'll do less than usual. But this time yor kid should't be left unattended as well.

2. Give her space that is safe and peaceful, less clutter and toys within reach, and provide ateether.

3. On her space provided, put a pillow where she can easily rest and put herself to sleep when she feels like to and don't force her to sleep since it may just trigger your child to be more disturbed, frustrated and annoyed.

4. Give her something that she might want to soothe her teething pain, in my cupcake's case she opted a finger food from healthy options, she really find it soothing i guess since i can see that she gets to smile for sometimes after biting and chewing

5. Give her a teether, mine uses an avent stage 3, its a cute circular teether that she can bite even to it's handle

6. You may give oral teething gel to soothe the swollen gums, it helps alot but use a pea size and apply it with your clean fingers or a dub from cleen cloth;)

I hope this helps you as well. And if you find this helpfull, like,share and make other's motherhood journey easier:)

Thank you!

Photo credit: google searched

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