Sunday, September 23, 2012

Choosing TV programs for your Child

A friend and I were exchanging thoughts of what our babies milestone nowadays since they're on same age. We have a sort of difference in our way of style, ofcourse no moms are exactly the same, as well as children. We're sharing thoughts of TV program. I chose to let mine have TV time Combined with Learning time while she doesnt let her child watch TV except when she watch together with her husband.

My friend asked me why I let my child watch TV and what kind of program i let my child watch.

My answer:
I let my child watch TV so she'll get familiarize with many different sounds and object that she may not see while staying at home.

I let her watch different programs, those that I know that will teach my child alot of things and i follow a certain guideline in choosing:

1. Will it pass my standard as a parent- before I let my child watch a certain program, I watch it first to see whether it'll be;


b. ) IS IT RELAXING- consider the sounds, characters, effects as well as the environment of portrayals.

c.) MANNERS AND MANERISM- certain manners of the lead characters or maybe characters that your kid might find pleasing gives an impact to her own behavior as well, and adaptation will bring the outcome to your child. Tom and Jerry may be cute to watch, a real life cat and mice running around and all time hurting each other is surely a violent one to show your child and might also leave him scarred of cats, and even be the Tom someday who bullies a small mice.

d.) RELEVANCE- your kids are never too early to be taught about his surroundings,but there are stages wherein a child should be taught according to his age so basically it should also be AGE APPROPRIATE, and all programs have certain patterns which includes the Target Market Age and some have indication of the age appropriacy.

e.) Interactiveness- I remember watching DORA the explorer with my niece, there's always a part wherein you'll need to help her choose the right one and my niece would always response to help her pick the right one and its also a a goal oriented program tht enables child to achieve the given task, and a self rewarding to a kid as well. I remember my niece will always end up happy each time she finish the episode singing and dancing with the famous Dora song and the remark excelente!There's also BRAINY BABY that's very interactive to let your kids enjoy; dancing, singing and laughing like the funny faces compilation that will sure leave your kid giggling.

F.) Social skill enhancement- some characters portrays good example of sharing toys to other.

2. I give my child the right time,sometimes every other day one in the morning after breakfast and then before she prepare to sleep.- its not the whole day that you let your child watch tv neglecting other activities that he is supposed to be enjoying.

3. Show your child the GOOD TV HABBIT
a.)surely we are their best example, Watching BRAINY BABIES and little einstein wont hurt us adults, yet it'll be enjoyable for us to watch it with our child, dancing with them while singing is a good form of bonding.
b.)Guiding them while watching will give them a corrective adaptation, for example JACK AND THE PIRATES' CAPTAIN HOOK he might be a little scary for them and parents should always tell their kid that not all adults are like him, and your he is not a good example and shouldnt be immitated.

c.)You should also show your child to turn off the TV when done watching an episode, not letting him finish the entire series with alot of episode in one day.

d.).You should also put your chid on the right distance so he'll get used to it, ofcourse to protect the eyes.

We cannot always know what is on our child's mind, maybe at the back of their mind comes another impact but to give him the priveledge to enjoy TV Time should also come with responsible guidelines to avoid uneccesary adaptation and immitation. Practicing Proper TV viewing at the early age will enable your child to be a responsible viewer as well.

Hope you like this again! You may click like and share this if you find it helpful, you may also post a question if you wished to.

Thank you!

Photo Credit: google search

Monday, August 6, 2012

A week out of the country with my 9 months old

Friends and some colleagues advised/ always quotes that bringing your child on a vacation is not a good idea rather a painful one, its like giving yourself headache,not enjoying your supposed to be fun and memorable trip.

Well i guess, i have different view of it, it'll be more fun bringing your child on a family trip. I have to admit that I was quite daydreaming horrible things that
might occur on our suppose to be fun trip, but gladly my inner voice talked to me as if adressing to me like cheerleader, I can do it! She isn't a pain after all she was never a pain:)

Our plane landed and so my mind started to register the idea of a good and memorable trip.

Our first day to a foreign land has arrived, without a baby sitter or a nanny to take care of my kid as usual. I started to take charge upon our arrival while waiting for my husband to get our bagage. Sitting down the waiting area far from my husband, I talked to my 9months old asking her to do me a favor to be a good girl, she usually smiles back at me and her brows kinda making a wondering impression as if asking me why,I feed her a bottle of milk,untill my husband is close to us as i snap back the empty bottle to the bag then approach the immigration out the airport.

"a week with just me taking care of my daughter" it's the first thought to register in my mind upon resting my back to the hotel room seeing my husband dancing and throwing my overjoyed daughter in the air. Then snap i'm caught up and joined myself to catch my kid, and then I realized my husband is there, "WE" are going to take charge with no helpers for our kid and just the two of us like what we usually do on a sunday or during holidays:).

Our first tour came and the night fall done thinking negative things that might come, our first day is almost over then second day came,met friends and family relatives, still my daughter is all good and fine even on a a long walk for a week if shopping, she's just quietly seated comfortably on her Stroller, Thank God she's at ease! she's always safe and comfortable, and also a plus for baby sling when I need to cuddle her no pain at all, BY THE WAY she'll be good shopping buddy one day;). 3rd and fourth day passed and so fast i didn't realize we're almost on our last day, we then again proved others to be wrong, I remember a friend told me it'll be too young for my daughter to appreciate Disneyland and we'll just waste bucks for that and we wont enjoy it as well. But surprisingly the memories of having our daughter with us in Disneyland was really a heartwhelming experience since I know one day I won't regret not having her along with us.
She did enjoyed it, I know and I can feel it as I was looking at her while watching the 3D film on the big screen wearing the 3D glasses which are supposed to be mine. I remember there was a scene wherein Duffy threw some jewels, She attempted to get them and seemed frustrated that she weren't able to bite those, I laughed on my mind, we also enjoyed the lion king show, and even some people was staring at her amazed by how she enjoys the musical show since she was dancing and jumping smiling with her heart like an adult enjoying the show.

Back to our homeland at exactly a week of vacation,People asked me what happened on our trip and I told them how it went on,seeing their eyes getting big in amazed,I told them how amazing our trip was, the shopping experience, the people we met, the food and most especially how my kid was and they were all surprise by our news that we survived the whole week with no pain at all...

How to do it?
Stay Calm and Relax!
It's gonna be a Fun vacation!

Clear out your mind from negative thoughts, your kid is different from your friends'

Trust yourself and your husband

Divided your duties or just incase you forgot something, atleast remind my husband of the schedules; the vitamins, feeding hours and others.

Enjoy and keep your child entertained:)

Have her stuff readily available to wherever you may go

Packing tips:
Packed things day per day for the whole trip.
What to pack?

1.Cover-all for the night
2.Onesies that may be worn with skirt or jeans.
3.BIB,xtra Shirt and jeans incase something spills.
4.Diapers which you are confident that your kid is comfortable with.
5.Vitamins, medicine, oitment and thermometer.
6.Cleaning agents: bottle cleaner ,body wash (she uses mustella hair and body was ) wash cloth or sponge for her bottles & a Sterilizer.
7.Baby wipes
8.Teether, rubber duckie, and cuddle toy,
9.Enough bottles even for the whole day just make sure wash the used one immediately as soon as you're back to your room to avoid spoiled milk staining, or atleast pre-rinse it with water as soon as possible just have a bottled water readily available after each feed for use.
10.Mosquito patch just incase there'll be unfriendly bugs.
11. Pillow and blanket
12. Alcohol and hand sanitizer wherever you are.
13. Facial tissue.
14. Milk and finger food:)
15. Stroller and a carrier/sling:)

What to remember

Always plan per day whether you will go somewhere near to determine how many bottles you will have to bring and what else to bring.

Wash used bottles as soon as you arrived your room and sterilize them so you'll always have them available as soon as needed.

When leaving, always have extra clothes, diaper, wipes and no rinse wash, bugs away patch incase needed. You may also bring her pillow and blanket for long walk so she'll feel comfortable and may sleep whenever feels like to.

Always time the feeding and stop when your kid ask for food, you may also feed while on stop if you don't mind feeding your kid in open areas, finger food is always fine but don't try as to alternate milk feeding.

Always check your kid's back for sweats and your kid's stroller to make sure no bugs or ants or anything fell on it, eapecially when you visited park or zoo.

Always keep an eye to whatever your kid puts unto her mouth to avoid unexpected stomach pains.

Check your kid's diaper every 2 hours.

Don't over feed with solid or liquid but if the temperature's hot or a bit warm always make sure to have a double water stock available or atleast drop by 7eleven to get some refreshment when needed.

Handfan just incase it's too hot, gladly we saw cute battery supported hand fan from disney...

Pack according to your child's need and may also be of use for you and or or your for the whole family, you may opt to pack her own lugage or you may put her stuff together with yours but be sure its all there;) you may bring or buy depending on your choice but always be a smart packer for your cute little one:)

Have fun to have something to lookback!

Have a happy trip!

Photo credit: google search

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My cupcakes 3rd teething

1st teething was a good one to tell, my daughter wasn't in any pain as others may describe their kids to have, she didn't have fever & teething drools. We were surprised when those cute-iny teeth showed up. Second set popped like a bubble as well with no signs.

But the third set of teeth, on her upper gums was a different story. She was really agitated in worst that i can imagine. She was fussy at time for couple of days then suddenly shifts to often cries. A day of pain was really a heart breaking one for me, i couldn't help but worry so i consulted my guide a.k.a , typed all the keywords that are similar to my daughter's painful experience. An article on teething was there and some signs given were similar to my kid's. Her symptoms were

1. Drooling effect, saliva messing up her face
2. Swollen gums
3. Fussiness
4. Biting everything she gets
5. Watery stool
6 Watery eyes
7. Sensitiveness, she cant be disturbed in anyway, she cries whenever we try to call her attention, that her usual reaction was to giggle.
8. She doesn't get enough sleep
9. She gets easily frustrated when she can't do something ( she want to get the ball near her but it put of reach when seated, what she usually do is crawl towards or call someone's attention and point to the ball and she'll smile to her sucess, but she then cried out aloud )

10 . She had a sudden high fever:(

Kids in pain is a heartbreak for parents especially for a kid who can't talk yet to express what and how she's feeling through words, that i guess why parents especially moms has to have a a psychic tendencies to know what's happening, and we also tend to be our own pedia at time when we couldnt reach them especially at night.
as for my experience to this, I once more conquered my fear of being a first time mom by

How to ease teething 101
1. Let her do what she wants, surely she won't do something which will hurt her even more, physical activities are more likely to be limited and minimal. Your kid will have the tendency to minimize her physical activity to only reachable things, she'll do less than usual. But this time yor kid should't be left unattended as well.

2. Give her space that is safe and peaceful, less clutter and toys within reach, and provide ateether.

3. On her space provided, put a pillow where she can easily rest and put herself to sleep when she feels like to and don't force her to sleep since it may just trigger your child to be more disturbed, frustrated and annoyed.

4. Give her something that she might want to soothe her teething pain, in my cupcake's case she opted a finger food from healthy options, she really find it soothing i guess since i can see that she gets to smile for sometimes after biting and chewing

5. Give her a teether, mine uses an avent stage 3, its a cute circular teether that she can bite even to it's handle

6. You may give oral teething gel to soothe the swollen gums, it helps alot but use a pea size and apply it with your clean fingers or a dub from cleen cloth;)

I hope this helps you as well. And if you find this helpfull, like,share and make other's motherhood journey easier:)

Thank you!

Photo credit: google searched

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Little Cupiecake's 1st Diarrhea made me informed

My then 8 months old daughter had diarrhea for 5 days, we wondered why and even put the blame to her vitamins...

Her symptoms
She was really fussy,irritated,watery with blackish stuff on her stool, bowel movement: 3-4x/day

and for a mom like me.. Its really a nerve wrenching and heart breaking one seeing her like that.

But here are possible reason why your child might get a diarrhea..

1. Vitamins..Yes, according to the pediatrician, some kids may get to have bad reaction to their vitamins, so just incase it's what you think caused it, stop for a day or two and observe if it changes her bowel movement but if it didn't like what happen to my cuppiecake, you may resume giving her vit. Just what I did.

2. It may be because of oily food, and again I'm sort of guilty about it since I love to eat French Fries and my daughter would always pick hersellf to feed.. So avoid feeding your child anything oily and should not be given when shes having diarrhea.

3.other solid food, My mother-in-Law love to mash potato, give her oats, banana, apple and other solid food.. BUT babies even the on their advisable ages(6mons and up) to feed should not be overfed..

BTW when is it consider overfed..
-its when you give too much..for a kid like mine, a small 4 inches banana, half an apple or 3 spoonfull of oats will be fine if still hungry feed her with milk..

4.High fiber foods, OVERFEEDING, and you should also avoid giving it when she has diarrhea..since its a frequent bowel movement already and fiber is good when constipating..

5. From something she usually hold and or put inside her mouth, like toys, her hand, feet, even teether, spoiled food, or anything she would love to explore and taste, DIARRHEA is viral and due to bacteria .. And it may be contagious.. So..

6. Someone with Diarrhea might have transferred it to her.. note that You should wash your hand after changing her diaper, before holding her or somebody else...and keep things around her always clean and dry.

7. Teething, somethings changing on her body..

8. Improper cleaning of bottles and other feeding/teething stuff that contacts to her mouth..
--so my advise is pre-rinse your child's bottle after using it to avoid milk spoiling that are hard to remove and maybe invisibly stained the bottle,pacifiers should be kept clean,dry and covered when not in use.

Use a good cleanser.. Soon I'll tell you what brand I am confidently using:) invest on good bottles and on good brush and sponge as well.. Change the nipples when possible:)

Diarrhea can cause Dehydration
-losing body water and salt due to frequent bowel movement--loses ELECTROLITES
- Weakens the body
- May lead to other disease
-may also be sign of other Serious infection
- the saddest part it can FATAL

- skin elasticity when pinched, it doesn't get back as usual fast, dry..
-irritated and fussiness
-lesser urination
-no tears when crying
-head ache
-sunken part on her head's soft area

Consult DOCTOR
Your baby is Below 6 months old.
Bowel movement is more than 5x/day that lasts for more than 4 days
Bloody stool or with pus
Abdominal pain

First aid...

A.)Dont buy ove the counter medicine.. But you may rehydrate by using ORS,, I gave her Pedialite 500 ml, 2ml in a feeding bottle after each bowel, on the third day.

B.)Change her Diaper as soon as possible and clean thoroughly, including the changing area after each changes

C.)Keep her home to avoid the spread.
I was so worried on the 4th day thats why I had her

D.)stool examined without the pedia's advise

E.) comfort your child and give her mild tummy rub, but stop if she didnt like it...

F.) Keep her environment clutter free and peaceful to rest, remember she doesnt get enough sleep..

I have my very own ways and those might be able to help you in any way, if you want to know more or simply like it, please leave a comment and feel free to share:) thank you!

Motherhood is a journey of a lifetime

This isn't really my first ever entry, but since my first blogsite was unaccessible already Im putting up a new one...What push me to write blogs again is a different view now, its more of a motherhood journal that I want to share to moms like me.. I want to start this entry by sharing you mu thought and I bet I share the same with others... Motherhood is not just a stage in life of a woman, its when you start a BRAND NEW YOU and A NEW JOURNEY of a LIFETIME that you'll LOVE the most with all the stages and journey of your life:)