Sunday, September 23, 2012

Choosing TV programs for your Child

A friend and I were exchanging thoughts of what our babies milestone nowadays since they're on same age. We have a sort of difference in our way of style, ofcourse no moms are exactly the same, as well as children. We're sharing thoughts of TV program. I chose to let mine have TV time Combined with Learning time while she doesnt let her child watch TV except when she watch together with her husband.

My friend asked me why I let my child watch TV and what kind of program i let my child watch.

My answer:
I let my child watch TV so she'll get familiarize with many different sounds and object that she may not see while staying at home.

I let her watch different programs, those that I know that will teach my child alot of things and i follow a certain guideline in choosing:

1. Will it pass my standard as a parent- before I let my child watch a certain program, I watch it first to see whether it'll be;


b. ) IS IT RELAXING- consider the sounds, characters, effects as well as the environment of portrayals.

c.) MANNERS AND MANERISM- certain manners of the lead characters or maybe characters that your kid might find pleasing gives an impact to her own behavior as well, and adaptation will bring the outcome to your child. Tom and Jerry may be cute to watch, a real life cat and mice running around and all time hurting each other is surely a violent one to show your child and might also leave him scarred of cats, and even be the Tom someday who bullies a small mice.

d.) RELEVANCE- your kids are never too early to be taught about his surroundings,but there are stages wherein a child should be taught according to his age so basically it should also be AGE APPROPRIATE, and all programs have certain patterns which includes the Target Market Age and some have indication of the age appropriacy.

e.) Interactiveness- I remember watching DORA the explorer with my niece, there's always a part wherein you'll need to help her choose the right one and my niece would always response to help her pick the right one and its also a a goal oriented program tht enables child to achieve the given task, and a self rewarding to a kid as well. I remember my niece will always end up happy each time she finish the episode singing and dancing with the famous Dora song and the remark excelente!There's also BRAINY BABY that's very interactive to let your kids enjoy; dancing, singing and laughing like the funny faces compilation that will sure leave your kid giggling.

F.) Social skill enhancement- some characters portrays good example of sharing toys to other.

2. I give my child the right time,sometimes every other day one in the morning after breakfast and then before she prepare to sleep.- its not the whole day that you let your child watch tv neglecting other activities that he is supposed to be enjoying.

3. Show your child the GOOD TV HABBIT
a.)surely we are their best example, Watching BRAINY BABIES and little einstein wont hurt us adults, yet it'll be enjoyable for us to watch it with our child, dancing with them while singing is a good form of bonding.
b.)Guiding them while watching will give them a corrective adaptation, for example JACK AND THE PIRATES' CAPTAIN HOOK he might be a little scary for them and parents should always tell their kid that not all adults are like him, and your he is not a good example and shouldnt be immitated.

c.)You should also show your child to turn off the TV when done watching an episode, not letting him finish the entire series with alot of episode in one day.

d.).You should also put your chid on the right distance so he'll get used to it, ofcourse to protect the eyes.

We cannot always know what is on our child's mind, maybe at the back of their mind comes another impact but to give him the priveledge to enjoy TV Time should also come with responsible guidelines to avoid uneccesary adaptation and immitation. Practicing Proper TV viewing at the early age will enable your child to be a responsible viewer as well.

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Thank you!

Photo Credit: google search